Mass list


As soon as a hierarchy object (LV or position) is marked in the mass tree, the Mass list im Info dialog be opened. Here, the quantity verification is carried out as in BUSINESS displayed in a table. The dialogue Mass list is both at one Position coupling as well as an imported GAEB file accessible. In addition, a separate group structure can be created using the Graphic cost estimation so be converted (LV structure on BUSINESS hand over)that the quantity certificate is also displayed here.


Im Mass list will, if a quantity certificate has already been written, which is in BUSINESS active quantity verification displayed. If not already available, the [Generate proof of quantity].
The following functions are also available below:

Printprints the active quantity certificate directly DATAflor CAD
Historyopens the list with the activities in the quantity statement

Manual changes made in CAD are shown with the entry CAD_USER provided.

Create REB filewrites the quantity statement in a D11 file
Deletedeletes the active quantity statement

You can use the functions listed above to edit the lines of the quantity statement directly:

Insertinserts another quantity line in front of the marked quantity line
Attachappends a new quantity line
Deletedeletes the with Shift or Ctrl marked quantity lines
Copy to clipboardcopied the with Shift or Ctrl marked quantity lines in the buffer
Paste from clipboardinserts the copied quantity lines from the buffer at the level of an item
Referencingopens the dialog Reference tracking, in which the quantity lines are displayed that refer to the value of the marked quantity line
Open / closeShows or hides the display of the subordinate lines of all multiline formulas
Updateupdates the quantity statement

More information about the topic Quantity lines can be found at BUSINESS > Billing> Proof of quantity.

in The Field Mass list select the required proof of quantity. Editing of the quantity lines is only possible for the quantity proof that is active (green). The recorded quantities of non-active quantity certificates (gray) can only be viewed, not edited.

By entering the reference address in the field Go to you can jump directly to the relevant quantity line.

Further steps