construction sites

The menu item construction sites shows the construction sites currently assigned to you. A swipe down opens the search. If the search term on the mobile device does not deliver the desired result, the BUSINESS The database can be searched and the construction site you are looking for can be added to the mobile device.

On the detailed view of the construction site you will find general information about the construction site, such as the place of execution or site manager. You can simply swipe left or right to browse through their job sites. Additional documents for the DATAflor Construction file be recorded.

In the middle area you will find a brief assessment of the construction site. If you tap on this rating, the detailed view opens with further data. In the lower part of the page you can switch between the detailed view and the construction file view.


About the entry positions open a list with all positions of the LV. In addition to an excerpt of the long text, the item quantity and the unit price, the hours currently booked in the NK for the item are displayed next to the precalculated hours. The bar under Position visualizes how many hours have already been booked and turns red when the precalculated hours have been exceeded. If an item has been marked as completed, it will be greyed out in the list and given a check mark.

In addition to the complete long text, the detailed view of the item shows the target/actual quantities and the pricing. Swipe left or right to go to the next position.

In order to improve clarity, long texts may be displayed in abbreviated form. A tap on the shortened text also shows the rest.

A tap on the quantity estimate enables the currently completed item quantity to be entered. This is with the quantity approach in DATAflor BUSINESS compared and is thus directly available in the LV. Will be a catch work completed set, this information is also displayed BUSINESS reported.

The evaluation in the lower area shows the planned hours from the pre-calculation and the hours recorded in the post-calculation. The current working speed can be recorded by entering the quantity estimate. This makes it possible to forecast the remaining duration of the work.

The pricing can be expanded with a tap and thus shows the complete pre-calculation of the item.

  • About settings in App manager the retrieval of further data from DATAflor BUSINESS deactivated.
  • Prices can also be displayed via the App manager be deactivated.

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