Show price shares


In the Course basic data Define the number and description of the price shares that are on Services and Invoice / credit can be issued.

The maximum number of price shares also depends on the LV format that has been set. he grunted 90 works with a maximum of four price shares, he grunted XML with a maximum of six and that DATAflor-Format with a maximum of seven price shares.

On the tab Price shares deposit in the column use as price share the names of the price shares that are shown on the printout. The designations that you entered in the program parameters are preset by default Default text for price shares have deposited.

Furthermore, by setting the Summarize internal price shares.

For example: The cost of the price shares Other, Strange and Disposal are in the price share Extras summarized.

If there is no division into price components for an item, the entire unit price is included in the price component wage shown.

Further steps