color gradient


You can use the gradient quickly and effectively objects graphically in a drawing.

For example: color gradient Linear + Lettering


  1. Highlight in Mass tree a group or an object and click in the tab Schedule on the button [Add].

  2. Choose the Property Type and Graphic type color gradient .
  3. In this example, a color gradient from red to yellow is to be assigned. You can also add a Shop Add. You can see a preview of the color gradient in the preview window.
  4. In the area Color choose the start and end color.
  5. After the Layer has been selected, the dialog can be opened with [OK] getting closed.
  6. The last step is to save the change .
  7. You can also use a Transparency define for the object in which you click [...] click (at DATAflor CADXPERT available from AutoCAD 2011).

Further steps

2017/05/11 16:48