3D view

DATAflor GRÜNSTUDIO 3D has two different options for viewing your project: the plan view, the perspective view and the 3D view. The Plan and perspective view is intended for adding objects, changing options, and editing shapes and sizes. DATAflor GRÜNSTUDIO 3D also enables you to carry out your project in the 3D view to go through and experience with realistic shadows and lighting conditions.

Start 3D view

  1. Click on the tab 3D view at the lower left of the picture.
  2. A settings dialog opens. Here you can, for example, change the resolution or configure the environment settings. Confirm with OK.
  3. You are now ready to walk through your project. At the end of this quickstart you can read the commands and keyboard shortcuts for navigation.
  4. Press Ito return to edit mode.

By pressing the button F1 the options become visible and with the key F4 you can change the set color and contrast values change or reset.

Chapter 8 - Objects