Renumber objects


When drawing objects, a predefined object name is always assigned and numbered from 1 upwards. This option can be used in the event that, for example, objects are later removed from the tree and the missing "gaps" are to be closed.


The function can be called at any position in the mass tree: right mouse button> tools> renumber objects.

In which Example should be taken from the mass tree Surface 3 be removed (picture A). After deleting (picture B) the Surface 3 within the mass tree. This has no influence on the representation and the calculation, but could lead to ambiguities. After calling the function Renumber objects put in dialogue Renumber the material moisture meter shows you the Starting value to 1. After exiting with [OK] get the objects in Mass tree a new number (picture C).

Picture aPicture B.Picture c

Due to the new numbering of the objects, the entries in the Mass list no longer correct. A query to rewrite the quantity certificate appears after using the function.

Further steps