File import


Files can be added to the digital inbox via the Windows file selection dialog.

The file import is included in the demo version as well as in the standard scope of the digital inbox and is therefore always available to you.

Files of the following file types can be imported:

  • * .pdf
  • * .png
  • * .jpg, * .jpeg
  • * .tif, * .tiff

Files that are not in PDF format are automatically converted to PDF files when they are imported.
In order to comply with the requirements of the GoBD, the original file is saved in its original format and when it is included in the DATAflor Construction file kept as the first version of the document; the generated PDF file as a second version.

Import file

In the digital inbox, click on the function in the menu Import.

The Windows file selection dialog opens.

  • Select the file you want to import into your digital inbox.
  • Only files of the supported file types mentioned above are available for selection.
  • Confirm your selection with [To open].

Further steps