Adjustments to the print layout

Here you can find information about the Program parameters out of the area 70.20 Adjustments to the print layout.

Print heading line (offer)

In the program parameter Print heading line (offer) you decide that the heading line of the position table with the column headings ordinal number, description of services, quantity, unit of measure, unit price and total price are printed on the LV printouts offer, supplementary offer, cost calculations, tendering, LV price request, order confirmation and order LV.

Text heading

In the program parameters Text heading ordinal number, Description of services, Quantity, unit, Einheitspreis and Total Price Determine the heading text of the individual columns in the LV printouts (tender, offer, supplementary offer, plant offer, order confirmation, LV-related price request, order LV, construction site LV, delivery note, invoices, credit).

The names ordinal, Description of services, Quantity, Unit price (€) and Total amount (€) are automatically preset and you can change them here.

The use of the variable [WKZ] ensures that the output currency assigned to the LV is displayed.

Distance between text and price (offer)

In the program parameter Distance between text and price (offer) determine whether a blank line is inserted between the item text and the price on offers and cost calculations.

Distance between text and price (blank)

In the program parameter Distance between text and price (blank) determine whether a blank line is inserted between the item text and the price for price inquiries and tenders related to the course.

Distance between positions (offer)

In the program parameter Distance between positions (offer) Define the distance in mm that is inserted between the items on offers and cost calculations.

Bold titles and title totals

In the program parameter Bold titles and title totals decide that hierarchy names and sums are printed in bold on LV printouts.

Text in front of the offer amount

In the program parameter Text in front of the offer amount add the text that will be printed on quotations and cost statements before the total if on the tab Settings (see topic Services) the option Suppress output 0% VAT was chosen.

Flat rate text

In the program parameter Flat rate text Enter the text that will be printed on blanket offers, blanket order confirmations and blanket invoices in front of the lump sum.

Always print labor costs gross

In the program parameter Always print labor costs gross specify that on LV printouts and invoices the labour costs depending on the customer's address type, they can be output as net or gross or always as gross.

Further steps