Features in Photoshop


Photoshop has two DATAflor-Commands are available that you can use to post objects from Photoshop DATAflor Can export CAD.


Current view as BILD export to AutoCAD

Inserts the current view from Photoshop as a BILD in DATAflor CAD a. That BILD is saved in the directory of the drawing.

1. Immediately after the command has been called up DATAflor CHAD.
2. In the drawing, select the insertion point for the BILD.
3. Drag the mouse pointer diagonally.
4. When the desired size has been reached, click with the left mouse button.

BILD export referenced to AutoCAD

Automatically adds the current view and references it as BILD in the drawing. That BILD is saved in the directory of the drawing. Is already one of them BILD present in the drawing, this is replaced by the new BILD replaced.

Referenced images

  • Referenced images can only be created from the model area and there again with the function BILD export referenced to AutoCAD insert. (please refer Photoshop handover)
  • The export from the layout area is not referenced. These images can then only be viewed with the function Current view as BILD export to AutoCAD insert. (please refer Photoshop handover)

Further steps

2017/05/11 16:48