Profile Manager



With the Profile Manager You get the opportunity to quickly record profiles across drawings, manage profiles efficiently and work with them. The profile manager also allows you the following functions:

  • A simple creation of 3D solids from two-dimensional profiles
  • The organization and cross-drawing use of composite profiles
  • Sweeping saved profiles along a defined path to create 3D solids
  • The creation of special 3D solids adapted for use in the DGM
  • Sharing saved profiles via the Export/Import function and via the online library

Capture profile

You have two options to choose from when creating a profile. Firstly, you can use the function Create a new profile use. The recording takes place in three steps:

  1. The message “Select profile:” appears on the mouse cursor.
  2. Right-click on the profile and confirm the object selection with Enter.
  3. The message “Select base point:” appears on the mouse cursor.
  4. Right-click on the point in the profile that you want to set as the base point and confirm your selection with Enter.
  5. The message “Select recess:” appears on the mouse cursor.
  6. Right-click on the drawing object in the profile that you want to set as a recess and confirm the selection with Enter.

You can also capture several layers of the profile at once. To do this, select all the desired layers while creating a new profile and then capture the base point. If multiple layers are captured at once, notches cannot be added directly. In order to still create a recess for a layer, you can: right-click on the layer using the “Add recesses” context menu.

In addition, when the profile manager is open, you can add a new profile using the keyboard input using the DFPROFILECREATE command.

When capturing profiles from policies, make sure that they are closed!

Place profile

To place the profile in the drawing you should use the function Place profile use. The profile, as well as the set trusses and labeling texts, are inserted at a definable point in the drawing. The parameters can be set differently for each individual profile.

Sweep profile

To create 3D solids from profiles, use the command: Sweep profile The command creates a 3D solid by sweeping a closed 2D object along a path. Therefore, you have to draw a path in advance, which you can use to create the solid body later. The creation takes place in the following steps: Creating a baseline:

Select baseline:

Solid created:

Create edges for DTM

To create 3D solids to be used in DTM, use the command: Create edges for DTM The command creates a 3D solid by sweeping a closed 2D object along a path. With this solid body created in this way, the outer edges of the solid body are minimally offset so that they can be better used in a digital terrain model and meshed during triangulation. The DTM edges are created using the same steps as sweeping profiles.


In the IFC dialogue of Object manager You have access to the saved profiles of the profile manager. By clicking on the “Transfer profiles from the profile manager” button, you have the option of using an existing profile for 3D modeling of routes.