Google Earth bulk export

Export as a KML file


This function saves the Mass tree as a KML-File. This may be necessary if, for example, Google Earth is not installed.


After a function call for the Export as a KML-File a file selection dialog appears. The name for the new file is predefined, but can be freely integrated. The generated KML- The file can then be viewed in Google Earth via the menu File> Open can be read. When the file is opened, Google Earth automatically zooms in on the objects.

Google Earth graphics are required to display the mass tree objects in Google Earth. You can find out more about this under Transfer graphic.

Transfer graphic


In Google Earth, the graphical properties of the objects are managed differently than in DATAflor CAD is possible. Google Earth graphics are therefore required to display the mass tree objects in Google Earth. With this function you can automatically transfer the graphics of the existing graphic variants into Google Earth graphics.

Since this is only a graphic for use in Google Earth, the graphic remains in DATAflor CAD invisible. Google Earth cannot display hatching patterns, so all graphics are shown there as full-area hatching (Solid).

You can also create your own Google Earth graphics. You can find out more about this under Google Earth graphic


The existing graphics are created as Google Earth graphics for the activated branch.
No Google Earth graphic is created for a deactivated graphic variant.

If no graphic is assigned to a graphic variant, no Google Earth graphic is generated either.

If several graphics of the same object type are assigned to a graphic variant, only the first graphic of each graphic variant is transferred to a Google Earth graphic.
If several graphics of different object types are assigned to a graphic variant, the first graphic of each object type is transferred.

If several graphic variants with Google Earth graphics are activated for an object, the object is created multiple times in Google Earth, since an object is created in Google Earth for each Google Earth graphic created.

Google Earth graphics in deactivated graphic variants are not exported to Google Earth.