Mass tree


In the upper part of the quick masses - below the tools - the objects you have derived appear in the mass tree. Before you create data, only the group is in the tree All (yellow folder symbol). Further groups can be created by the processor. You can use any number of hierarchies here. Once created, mass trees can be saved and later imported into new drawings. The objects that you derive from the drawing are then sorted below the groups.

Groups are the main structure objects in the mass tree. Groups can be used to create mass tree structures so that the individual objects can be stored clearly. Groups can be transferred to subordinate groups and objects with properties.

In the Quick-Masses you can manage and organize (create, delete, etc.) groups in different ways (menu, keyboard, mouse), e.g. by touching and moving them (with the left mouse button pressed, known as the drag & drop function from Windows Explorer ). You will find a detailed description of the editing options in the following chapter.

The function New group to create a new group can be called via the toolbox or directly in the mass tree via the right mouse button.


The following symbols are used in the mass tree:

Group activated
Group with assigned plants
Group with assigned materials
Group with assigned material and plant properties
GAEB group
indirectly coupled group
Hierarchy object with direct coupling
Position object
Object ⁄ contour object
Object with assigned material property
Object with its own graphic property
Object with deduction areas
Object with assigned material properties and deduction area
Object with deduction area and its own graphic property
Object with assigned plants
Object with assigned material and plant properties
Object with assigned material, plant properties and deduction areas
Single plant
Single plant with assigned material properties
Individual objects with material
Material items in the specification of services (item coupling)
3D object
3D object with assigned material property
3D object with its own graphic property
3D object with deduction area
3D object with assigned material property and deduction area
3D object with assigned graphic property and deduction area
3D object with assigned plant
3D object with assigned material and plant properties
3D object with assigned material, plant properties and extraction area
connected database

The editing options correspond roughly to those known from other Windows applications and can be applied to groups and objects.

The Windows clipboard is not used as temporary memory, but an internal memory in the program. This means that in the Quick-Masses cut objects cannot be pasted in other programs.

If groups are edited, the functions always relate to the content. If you delete a group, for example, all objects contained in it are also deleted.

Following Features can be called via the toolbox or the right mouse button:

cut outCuts objects or mass tree structures from the Quick-Masseswhich then with Insert can be reinserted into the mass tree. In the Options you can specify that only the group structure without individual objects should be cut out Copy and clip without objects.
CopyCopies objects or mass trees from the Quick-Masseswhich then with Insert can be reinserted into the mass tree. In the Options you can specify that only the group structure without individual objects should be copied Copy and clip without objects.
InsertObjects or mass tree structures that have previously been cut or copied are inserted. A multiple insertion is possible.
DeleteFrom the Quick-Masses deleted objects are not removed from the drawing. For contour lines (see Contours) can do this in the Options can be optionally switched on. On the other hand, when deleting drawing objects that are in the Quick-Masses are recorded, they are also removed from the mass tree at the same time. A notice appears for this.


Im Quick-Masses You can save created mass trees either as a pure mass tree structure or as a mass tree with objects in a directory or in a library in the Quick manager export. This allows you to import and use the exported mass trees quickly and easily in other drawings or on other computers. All properties defined in the info dialog (e.g. Schedule and Label) saved. With the help of this functionality, the work becomes very effective, since standards can be defined and there is no need to re-create mass trees. A thematic mass tree structure or a mass tree structure adapted for different output scales is useful.

Export mass tree

The function Export mass tree enables the export of the mass tree structure with or without captured objects.


  1. In the quick masses, mark the point from which the mass tree should be exported.
  2. Call the function with the right mouse button Data exchange> Export mass tree .
  3. In the dialog you can make various settings for the export. The individual setting options are explained below.
  4. With [OK] the mass tree is exported.

Settings for export

NameThe name is automatically assigned based on the group in the mass tree. You can also enter a name manually.
Export to Directory: Enter a directory into which the mass tree is to be exported. To do this, click the button [...].
Export toexisting library: Select im Quick manager Under Design, View or Surfaces the desired storage location to which the mass tree is to be exported.

Will the mass trees in the Quick manager then you can simply drag and drop them into other drawings.

Export optionsChoose whether in the mass tree detected objects and used external graphics (e.g. own symbol lines or blocks) should be exported as well.
The external graphics used in the mass tree are sorted according to their type and listed in the lower window.

Store the export files in a central location so that all editors can use them.

Import mass tree

The function Import mass tree enables the import of the pure mass tree structure.


  1. In the left window, mark the point where the mass tree should be inserted.
  2. Call the function with the right mouse button Data exchange> Import mass tree .
  3. Select the one to import mbd-File.
  4. The mass tree structure is inserted below the marking.

Import mass tree with objects

The function Import mass tree with objects enables the import of the complete mass tree including the exported objects.


  1. In the left window, mark the point from which the mass tree should be inserted.
  2. Call the function with the right mouse button Data exchange> Import mass tree with objects .
  3. Select the one to import mbdFile.
  4. Specify the insertion point for the objects. Will this with the EnterButton, the objects are inserted as in the original.
  5. The mass tree is inserted with the objects below the marking.

Note that importing very large mass trees can take a long time. Therefore, check the use of the option in advance Do not sort graphics order under Options > General tab.

Examples of mass trees

In order to demonstrate the universal usability of the Quick masses, two sample mass trees are included in the scope of delivery of the Quick masses.

The mass trees include labels, graphics and documentation (see Quick-Masses) assigned. By capturing objects or contours in the Quick dimensions, documents for planning can be created very easily. The mass tree Home garden is very suitable for the implementation of simple and smaller planning projects. For a cost calculation, choose the mass tree Cost estimate.

To use one of these mass trees, go to the top entry in the Quick Masses All. Then select with the right mouse button: Data exchange> Import mass tree and select in the user directory of DATAflor CAD the desired mdbFile.

In the second step, the drawing objects are recorded and stored in the relevant groups. As soon as the objects are in the group, the object takes on the defined properties.


A summary or the details of the cost and area composition can be generated in the quick dimensions. To do this, select with the right mouse button Data exchange> Excel.

The compilation in the Excel file depends on how you opened the tree.

If you're in the Features Define formulas (e.g. area x price per square meter), you will also receive a priced cost overview or you can use the Graphic cost estimation.