Isolate layer



This command allows you to isolate a layer without knowing which layer a particular object is on. All layers except the selected one or the layer of the selected object are frozen. You can use this command to quickly review or edit the content of a layer.


  1. After the command has been called, a dialog opens in which all layers of the current drawing are listed.

  2. Select a layer from the list or use to select [From object>] select an element in the drawing. The selected layer is now isolated and currently switched to the current state. With [New] create a new layer that will be isolated at the same time.

The DATAflor Layer tools only work with the DEFROST / FREEZE options and not with ON / OFF.

The serious one Difference:
If a layer is switched OFF, it is not visible, but the drawing elements can be marked and changed (e.g Delete EVERYONE). If the layer is FROZEN, the drawing elements cannot be changed.

Further steps