Save selection


The command Save selection, saves the search result. This address selection is then available to you at any time for serial letters, Emailing and faxing available.

You have the option of saving all displayed data records. You can also save selected data records in a selection.


When you save the selection, the following dialog opens.

  1. Give one Namur for the selection.
  2. You can also add a short Description specify. This will be shown to you when you are in the area Selections and saved searches Move the mouse pointer over the selection on the right-hand side of the screen.
  3. Choose at Save as a location.
  4. When you have selected Records in the table, you can choose whether to all records want to save or just those of you selected data (marked green).
  5. Confirm the process with [OK].

Selections are shown in the overview with shown. They can be opened directly from the overview with a double click.

Add addresses to a selection

You can save selections later Add addresses.
Select one or more addresses in the table and drag them to the selection in the overview while holding down the left mouse button. There you release the mouse button.

Further steps