Standard service management


In the program part Services manage individually written service descriptions, units of measure, preliminary calculations and prices of your standard services. This data is then available to you as a basis for quickly creating the specification.

  • Do not work with too many catalogs as this makes it difficult to keep an overview.
  • Name your catalogs clearly so that you can assign the relevant content at any time.
  • We recommend that you summarize services in a catalog, for example for the private sector, for a specific architect or for a specific municipality.

Program call

Open the menu Program data and click on .

Standard performance management opens.

In the directory tree on the left-hand side of the screen, all standard service catalogs including the hierarchy levels, items and preliminary costings are listed.
If you select a catalog, hierarchy level, item or preliminary cost estimate in the directory tree, the associated data is entered and displayed on the tabs on the right-hand side of the screen.

Entering an * on the keyboard opens all folders in the directory tree automatically.

Update of the project tree

In the program parameter 100.80.10 Project tree update specify whether the project tree in the default performance management after each Couching a new service is rebuilt.

Each reloading of the project tree requires computing time. For faster processing of the standard services, set the value No .
Newly created services are initially appended to the end. By pressing F5 you can start updating the project tree manually so that the new standard services are sorted alphabetically by short text or numerically by service number in the correct place.

Further steps