Directory of processing activities


The list of processing activities contains essential information on data processing, such as the data categories; the group of data subjects; the purpose of the processing; the data recipients; if possible, the deadlines for deleting the various categories of data and, if possible, a general description of the technical and organizational measures.

Here you will find a document that shows the functions and possibilities how with DATAflor BUSINESS / AVA en de DATAflor Apps die aan de eisen van gegevensbescherming en gegevensbeveiliging voldoen, kunnen worden toegepast en geïmplementeerd. Enkele van de beschreven functies zijn programma-extensies die als aanvullende producten kunnen worden aangeschaft. Dit zijn vooral die DATAflor Construction file, customer compass, IAP, the financial manager, the apps, the interfaces to payroll and financial accounting, the extended user administration and the extended evaluations of the cost controlling.
You can adapt the document for your company and integrate it into your directory of processing activities.