Work with proof of quantities

Outsourcing of proof of quantities

To increase data security and to avoid duplicated data, quantity certificates cannot be processed locally in the network at the same time.

  • In the local BUSINESS Quantity statements that have been created can only be edited locally.
  • Quantity certificates created in the network can only be edited in the network.

Quantities generated in the network or locally can be outsourced to the corresponding counterpart for processing. Until they are returned, these quantities are blocked for processing in the network or for the replicant. The return occurs with the next replication cycle, which runs automatically in the background or is started manually via the replication manager.

The procedure for outsourcing and working with quantity statements in connection with replication is explained using the following example: A quantity statement is created in the network and should be available for local processing on a replication computer.
On the replication computer in the project management in the project tree, mark the quantity certificate that you want to outsource. Then select on the tab Mass list in the selection Access the entry Replicanton which you want to edit the quantity statement locally.
The quantity verification is still visible in the network, but cannot be edited.

Activate quantity verification

Outsourced proof of quantities must be activated for processing after they have been outsourced. To do this, select the required quantity certificate in the project management in the project tree on the replication computer and set it on the tab on the right-hand side of the screen Mass list the option Remote active.

Return proof of quantity

In order to be able to process the quantity certificate again in the network, you have to return the quantity certificate by swapping it out again. To do this, select the required quantity certificate in the project management on the replication computer in the project tree and select on the tab Mass list in the selection Access the entry Network.

Then mark the quantity certificate in the network and set the option Active.

further options

In the event that you need to process a quantity statement that has just been swapped out, i.e. cannot be processed, you can use the function of Copys of quantity statements are available. Grayed-out quantity statements cannot be edited, but can be copied. Give the copy a unique name to avoid double or incorrect data entry.
Quantity certificates that have been created separately in the network and on a replication computer can after replication with the help of a Quantity proof summary be merged.