Customize background image


For users of the DATAflor Construction file the integrated reminder is available in the start screen.
Without a license for the DATAflor We will show you a background image. You can choose any background image BILD replace.


  1. Open on the existing BILD the context menu with the right mouse button and select the entry BILD laden.
  2. The Windows file selection dialog opens. Choose the one you want BILD and confirm with [To open].
  3. The chosen BILD will be in BUSINESS- Home screen used as wallpaper.
  4. In addition, you can choose where in the picture the DATAflorLogo is displayed. On the background picture, open the selection list in the context menu with the right mouse button Position of DATAflor-Logos and choose the desired position for the logo.
  5. To remove the inserted background image, open the context menu on the background image with the right mouse button and select the entry BILD remove. The default background image of BUSINESS displayed.

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