Create absence times

You can create the absence times of your employees in various ways. Recorded absence times are displayed as colored bars in the planning view.

Plant via the menu

Select in the menu HR manager the entry New appointment.

The dialogue Create appointment will be opened.

designation Description
Employees Enter the personnel number or the name of the employee for whom you want to record an absence time. Alternatively, you can get a list of your employees by clicking on .
an appointment The absence time is created once in the calendar.
several dates The recorded absence time is saved several times in the calendar. Choose between daily, weekly, monthly and yearly recurring appointments.
From ... to Enter the period of absence.
Type The absence type is always preset Vacation. If necessary, select a different absence type from the selection list by clicking on or enter it directly.
Half a day Check the box if the absence time is only half a day.
note Save notes on the recorded absence time.

Instructions on how to change the order of the selection list Type change, show or hide entries and add new, user-defined absence types to the list can be found in the section Basic settings under the point Program parameters.

The desk several dates refers to that one-time Couching of recurring appointments. A saved series of appointments can be opened by calling up the dialog again Edit appointment cannot be changed afterwards. Please therefore carefully check the settings you have made for the recurring appointment before you finally save them.

Attachment in the calendar

In the calendar, select the line of the employee for whom you want to record an absence time. Double-click on the day to record the absence for a day or half a day or click once on the day on which the absence should begin and drag the bar with the left mouse button pressed to the desired end date.

The dialog then opens Edit appointment. Make further entries if necessary.

Plant via the list with the right mouse button

In the calendar, select the line of the employee for whom you want to record an absence time. Go to the day on which the absence should begin and select the entry from the list with the right mouse button New appointment.

The dialog then opens Edit appointment. Make further entries if necessary.

Vacation calculation

When creating the absence type Vacation The program automatically determines for each employee the vacation that has been taken, planned and the resulting remaining vacation for the current calendar year.

When determining the vacation taken, planned and remaining are those in the Annual working time management stored annual working time models (JAM) of your employees are taken into account.

Edit absence times

With the exception of recurring appointments, you can use the dialog to view your recorded absence times Edit appointment edit at any time.

By double-clicking on the absence bar or by right-clicking the entry in the list Edit select, open the dialog Edit appointment.

If you make changes to absence times that are in the past, the program issues a corresponding security query.

Confirm this with Jaif you want to apply the changes.

Edit time periods

The periods for your absence times verchange you fastest by Drag and drop.

Move the mouse over the left or right edge of the absence bar and hold down the left mouse button and drag it to the desired start or end date.

To move the entire absence time, click with the mouse on the absence bar and drag it to the desired period with the left mouse button pressed.

Split and merge

You can also check your absence bar using the functions Share and Merge edit further.

feature Description
Share Select the absence bar and move the dashed, vertical line of the mouse pointer to the point where you want to split the bar. Press the key S (S = Split) or select the entry from the list with the right mouse button Share .
Merge Mark two or more absence bars that lie on one line with Ctrl and then press the button C (C = Combine) or select the entry from the list with the right mouse button Merge .

Delete absence times

Mark an absence bar or with Ctrl several absence bars that you want to delete and press the button Del or click in the menu HR manager on the entry Delete or select the entry from the list with the right mouse button Delete .


The personal manager has automatic conflict detection. Conflicts always arise when an employee's stored absence times overlap.

Show conflicts

Conflicts that arise within the personal manager are displayed on two or more lines. You can recognize these conflicts by the red signal color.

If you have a license for the DATAflor Construction site manager the construction site times of your employees entered there are also taken into account in the conflict detection. You can recognize these conflicts by the red signal color and the single line Presentation.

Further steps