Quantity proof exchange


In order to exchange measurement data with architects, clients, subcontractors, etc. in electronic form, you can use the Export Quantity List and Import Quantity List functions.

You can use the DATAflor, REB 23.003, REB 23.003 (2009) and REB 23.004 export and import as well as export proof of quantities in the format ÖNORM B 2114 or ÖNORM A 2063.

For a successful exchange of measurement data, the data of the specification of services for which the quantity evidence was recorded is always required. Information on this topic can be found in the chapters DATAflor- List of services, GAEB interface and ÖNORM interface.

Export proof of quantity

Export a quantity certificate in order to make your measurement data available to an architect, building owner, etc. in electronic form.

The list of services with the item data must also be available to the recipient. Use the function if necessary Export LV, Export GAEB file or Export ÖNORM-LV and transmit the LV and quantity proof together.

To export a quantity statement, first select the required quantity statement in the project management. Then open the menu Project management the selection menu Mass list and select the entry Mass list export.

The Windows file selection dialog opens. Select where to save the file. The LV number is preset as the file name. The file format is firmly defined according to the format that you specified when creating the quantity certificate.

Confirm your selection with [To save]. The selected directory path is converted to the Export-Dialog accepted.

Start the ExportProcess with [Begin].

In the message window you will see information about the Export, which you can print out as a log if necessary. After successful proof of quantityExport close the Export-Dialogue with [Break up].

Import quantity certificate

Import a quantity certificate in order to transfer the electronic measurement data of a subcontractor, architect etc. into BUSINESS read in.

You also need the sender's specification of services with the item data. Use the function if necessary Import LV (copy), Import GAEB file or Import ÖNORM-LV and read in the LV and the quantity certificate together.

To import a quantity certificate, first select the LV to which you want to add the quantity certificate in the directory tree of the project management. Then open the menu Project management the selection menu Mass list and select the entry Import quantity certificate.

The Windows file selection dialog opens. Select the location of the file.

Confirm your selection with [To open]. The selected directory path is adopted in the import dialog.

Start the ExportProcess with [Begin].

In the message window you will see information about the import, which you can print out as a log if necessary. After a successful quantity list import, close the import dialog with [Break up]. The imported quantity statement is now available under the node Quantity statements.

If necessary, adapt the description of the quantity certificate. Activate the option for quantity verification aktivin order to be able to edit the quantity lines of the quantity statement.