Plant search


Within the plant search dialog you can search for a plant via Plant name, Plant matchcode, Plant quality or about the Plant characteristics search quickly and easily.

At the bottom of the screen, you will be shown Search Results (see chapter below) the plants found are displayed. With a double click you transfer the desired plant and quality to the LV.

If you need more information about the plant, you can click on in the Plant management branch.

Plant name

The search for Name extends over Botanical name, trade name and Regional name.

Enter the search term in the field Name .

Within the search logic, spaces between word parts are interpreted as follows (spaces here symbolized with the # sign).

(e.g. in the Name field)
(wild card *)
Ti(ti *) All plants that begin with ti
ti # co(ti * co *) All plants that begin with “ti” and contain a “co” (somewhere after ti)
#ti(* ti *) All plants that contain a "ti"
# ti #(* ti *) All plants that contain a "ti"

To find related writing styles (e.g. ae instead of ä), activate the option Similar notation.

Plant matchcode

Behind the matchcode hides an abbreviation for quick and direct plant selection. The matchcode results from the first letter of the botanical name. Two letters are to be used from the last part of the name (depending on whether it is type or variety).

The matchcode can therefore, if the bot. Name is known, can easily be derived by yourself. For example:
YEAR = Abies nordmanniana (Nordmann fir)
PMSTO = Pinus Mugo "Swiss Tourist" (mountain pine "Swiss Tourist")
PMO = Picea omorika (Serbian spruce)
PUMP = Papaver orientale "Marcus Perry" (Turkish poppy "Marcus Perry")

Enter the search term in the field Quality matchcode .

Within the search logic, spaces between word parts are interpreted as follows (spaces here symbolized with the # sign).

(e.g. in the Name field)
(wild card *)
Ti(ti *) All plants that begin with ti
#ti(* ti *) All plants that contain a "ti"
# ti #(* ti *) All plants that contain a "ti"

To find related writing styles (e.g. ae instead of ä), activate the option Similar notation.

Plant quality

To look for a Quality To search, enter the search term in the field Quality .

For the field Quality it always applies that all qualities are found that contain the entered term.

Search by name #nana (# stands for space) and quality mB finds all plants that have the letter sequence in their names (somewhere) nana included and their quality mB contains.

Plant characteristics

On the tab Plant property you have the opportunity to find plants through their properties. Search can be for Plant species and Attributes respectively.

Example of a search using attributes

  1. Select the desired attribute groups in the tree view (e.g. Habitus> Blossom> Blossom color). All available attributes are immediately displayed in the adjacent window.
  2. Select a specific attribute there and click the arrow to Add (e.g. color group yellow-golden yellow). The desired attribute is added to the right window of the selected search conditions.
  3. Go to the Remove mark a criterion in the window "selected search conditions" and press the arrow to remove it .

In this way, add all the desired search conditions (attributes and similarly plant species) and start the search by clicking on . The plants that match your defined search criteria are displayed in the search result.

Scaling the plant image display

Use the slider in the lower part of the window to enlarge the image display in the search result. Alternatively, you can click - or + click. With a double click you open the picture and you can zoom in again with the slider.

Apply search result

To adopt a plant or quality, mark it in the result and click on [Take over] or alternatively use the key combination Alt + M.

The column names are displayed depending on the selected level.

Further steps