Period evaluations

The following prints are available for selection under period evaluations.

Hours list
Prints a list of recorded hours per month for employees. The wage type, construction site, weekday and number of hours are printed.
All or selected employees and business areas are considered.

Construction site overview
Prints a list of the order total, costs, invoice amounts and payments for each construction site.
All or individual construction sites are considered. The construction sites are selected directly or selected according to business area, LV ID, LV status or site manager.

Contribution margin list
Prints a list sorted by months with a list of the revenues, the costs, the resulting contribution margins and the hours worked. The contribution margins and hours are accumulated over the course of a year.
All or individual construction sites are considered. The construction sites are selected directly or selected according to business area, LV ID, LV status or site manager.

Material totals list
Prints a list of the recorded materials with details of the construction sites and the amount used. You can choose to issue the prize.
The recorded materials of all or individual construction sites, business areas, LV IDs and LV status are considered.

Delivery note overview
Prints an overview of the recorded delivery notes for one or more construction sites. The date, the supplier, the material and the price are printed out.
The delivery notes of all or individual construction sites, business areas, LV IDs, LV status, suppliers and cost types are considered.

Device utilization
Prints the planned and performed operating time for devices, the difference between the two values ​​and the resulting utilization of the device in percent. The values ​​are calculated based on monthly and annual values.
All or selected devices are considered.

Device hour list
Prints out a list of the recorded device hours with details of the construction sites and the time of use. You can choose to issue the prize.
The recorded device hours of all or selected business areas, LV IDs, devices and LV status are considered.

Wage type statistics
Prints a list of the wage types under totals for one month. They can be sorted by wage type, employee or month.
All or individual employees, wage types and business areas are considered.

Employee time sheet
Prints out a list of the recorded working hours, stating the employees, the construction sites and the working hours. You can choose to issue the prize.
The recorded working hours of all or selected employees, LV status and business areas are considered.

Time sheet
Prints out a list of the hours worked per month for each employee. It is possible to select all or selected employees.
The recorded from, to and break times as well as the individual working hours and the selected wage type are considered.

Further steps

Construction site evaluations
Position evaluations