Table of Contents

DATAflor Apps

Installation and setup

The installation and setup of the DATAflor Apps is very easy. The individual steps are explained in the following article. You can find them here System Requirements and information on Data protection and technology.

Take out an app subscription

Start the cloud manager from the tab Program data.

To subscribe to an app, click on New app subscription and fill out the subscription form completely.


Set up mobile device (single device)

After you have completed your app subscription, the subscribed apps are available in the left area. First of all, lay down New device

The desired app can be assigned by right-clicking in the corresponding column.

If several lines are selected, these employees receive the selected app.


Delete mobile device

To delete devices from the cloud manager, right-click on the relevant device and delete it.


Change of mobile device

If you would like to use an app on a different device in the future, you must make the appropriate changes in the cloud manager.

Right-click the app you want to transfer and select Transfer app.

In the next dialog, select the device to which the app should be transferred.

The app has now been transferred and can be used by scanning the QR code on the new device.

Remember that after such a device change, the BUSINESS-Dates
using the App manager need to be transferred to the app again.


Cancel your app subscription

The apps can only be canceled in the cloud manager.

You can conveniently cancel an app in the cloud manager.

You can end the subscription with a right click on the corresponding app.

In the following dialog all relevant information is displayed and you can specify the number and the cancellation date.

Confirm the cancellation by clicking on OK, the app subscription is ended. You will then receive the cancellation confirmation by email.


Further steps