Table of Contents

Images in long text


It is possible to include images in the item text. By including images within the position texts, depending on the image size (MB) and computing power, difficulties arise in the course processing.

On the tab Pictures you can easily manage images for positions / hierarchies, have access to all images of your master data, the DATAflor Construction file and Picture and can customize your printout with these images.

To insert pictures in the long text, open in the field Long text the context menu with the right mouse button and select the entry Insert object.

Any objects (pictures, Excel files, graphics) can be inserted into the text. Whether these are visible and printable depends on whether a suitable application (OLE server) is installed on your system. For *.BMP this is usually the case in every Windows system. Other formats require, for example, Excel, Paintshop-Pro, Adobe Photoshop or similar.

Further steps

Pictures in the course
Add pictures
Pictures in LV printouts
LV printouts