Update labor costs


In the Device data 1 of a device, you can specify that a device is always calculated with the operator and, by selecting a calculative employee, you specify the amount of wage costs that are used for price calculation. If you have made changes in the company data to the hourly wage of the imputed employees, you can transfer them to the price calculation for all or selected devices.


To do this, click in the menu device management on .

The dialogue Take over wage data again will be opened. All devices for the Device data 1 the option Device with controls is set, are listed with the data of the price calculation. Devices for which you have manually entered the price / hour with operation are marked with characterized.

Select the devices for which you want to update the labor costs by setting the . You can also use the Price with service set the price of the device manually.

Confirm your selection and entry by clicking on [Take over]. The new prices / hour with operation are transferred to the device data of the selected devices.

Further steps