Adjust fuel prices


Fuel prices and costs for lubricants are used to calculate the calculation prices of the devices. In order to take into account increases or decreases in fuel and lubricant prices in the device calculations, you can conveniently adjust these prices for all or selected devices.


Do you click in the menu device management on .

The dialogue Overview of fuel prices from device calculations will be opened. All devices are listed in their respective device group with designation, current calculation price and costs for lubricants.

  • Select First select the devices for which you would like to use the new fuel or lubricant price.
  • Then set the new fuel price and choose whether you want to adjust the percentage rate or the price per hour for the lubricant price.
  • Confirm your entries with [To assign].
  • As a check, the new prices for the selected devices are initially displayed in the table.

For example: Adjust lubricant price / h

For example: Adjust percentage

By clicking [Take over] the new prices are finally adjusted in the device calculations of the selected devices.

Further steps