additive / cumulative billing method


Advance invoices for a construction project can be settled using either an additive or a cumulative billing method.

  • cumulative
    The amounts of your previous partial invoices will be deducted from this new invoice amount in the end. For the origin of the quantity, this means that the quantities from the previous installment invoices must increasingly be continued.
  • additive
    Each partial invoice is printed out like an "individual invoice". Only the actual increases are to be invoiced, so that no net deduction of the previous installment invoices is necessary. Only the values ​​from this new invoice are to be taken into account for the origin of the quantity.

For example:
Five partial invoices and a final invoice are issued. With every invoice, an additional € 10.000 is billed as an increase in value.

Invoice amount
on account Cumulative Additive
1st AR 10.000 € 10.000 €
2st AR 20.000 € 10.000 €
3st AR 30.000 € 10.000 €
4st AR 40.000 € 10.000 €
5st AR 50.000 € 10.000 €
SR 60.000 € 60.000 €

Partial final invoices and final invoices are always created cumulatively. Note this with the Quantity origin.

Change between billing methods

The 1st AR of the construction project as well as the 1st AR after a partial final invoice are always additive, as there are no previous quantities to accumulate.

For the 2nd AR of the construction project or 2nd AR according to TSR, you can choose between cumulative and aditive accounting methods.

The change of the billing method from additive to cumulative is possible from the second with every partial invoice; the change from cumulative to additive only after the next partial final calculation.

For example:
The billing of the construction work of a construction site is billed in the cumulative procedure up to a partial final invoice. The later invoices for the completion maintenance are added, i.e. each maintenance step is billed individually.


From the second partial invoice for a construction project or after a partial final invoice, the Print management the form setting for invoices / credit notes Billing procedure to disposal. Choose between additive and cumulative.

Further steps