Post calculation

The program area Post calculation offers you an important tool for managing your company.

Determination of the construction site costs

Comparison with quotation calculation

  • With the Evaluations of the final costing you can make a target / actual comparison of the costs of the preliminary calculation and the costs already incurred on the construction site at any time.
  • The respective share of overhead costs is calculated using the work area selected for the construction site.

Operational and construction site evaluations

  • The numerous Evaluations of the final costing enable a comprehensive analysis of individual construction sites through to the result of the entire operation, material items, devices and employees.

Prepare the payroll

  • The entered wage hours can be electronically transferred to external payroll software for payroll accounting.
  • Using Annual working time management you can manage different working time models and always have an overview of the comparison between the planned working time and the hours actually worked for each employee.